Version Release 4.25
Newest Features
10.05.2020 - Version 4.25 Release
Improved user interface, with a new bottom navigation bar and dashboard layout
Receive live chat notifications
Know when your team shows up with live check-in notifications
Hospitals, Teams and MDpocket eBooks now show a notice in the dashboard when they are updated
Recent chat messages, hospitals and books are now displayed in the dashboard.
Improved profile options to set individual work, home, hospital and office addresses
Assorted bug fixes
New User Interface/Dashboard
We've made it simpler for you to see all that is happening within the app with the new dashboard. Here you can view your messages, Team announcements, Hospital changes, and reference guide updates.

Live Chat Notifications
Get notified of a new chat from your Team or directly from other users. Respond knowing your information is protected in our HIPAA compliant messenger.
Check in/Check out
Let your Team know when you're available in the app. You can set up automatic check-in when you arrive at the hospital or manually let your colleagues know you're ready to connect and communicate.