MyHospital FAQs!

Looking for an answer about the MyHospital® app? 


*Mollee Gleason
On 12/3/20, 6:25 PM


Thanks for reaching out about the MyHospital® App! The number of hospitals on available on your dashboard depends on your membership type, either basic or premier. 

In a basic membership one hospital is available for users on their dashboard and can be swapped out for another hospital at any point (particularly helpful if you are rotating to different hospitals in the week) with a given waiting period (typically 24 hours). 

With the premier membership a user can add as many hospitals to their dashboards as they would like for an additional fee per each hospital added. This is the best option if you want to avoid the waiting period and have access to all the hospitals you visit at any given time. 

Thanks for reaching out about the MyHospital® App! The number of hospitals available on your dashboard depends on your membership type, either basic or premier. 

In a basic membership one hospital is available for users on their dashboard and can be swapped out for another hospital at any point (particularly helpful if you are rotating to different hospitals in the week)

With the premier membership a user can add as many hospitals to their dashboard as they would like, for an additional fee per each hospital added. This is the best option if you want to avoid the waiting period and have access to all the hospitals you visit at any given time. 

You can view and update your membership details in the My Account section under the My Membership tab. Please note that any membership updates can take up to 24 hours to take full effect in your app, and you may be required to log out and log back in to see these updates.


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Asked: 12/2/20, 6:05 PM
Seen: 732 times
Last updated: 12/3/20, 6:25 PM